Meet Lara

“In spite of the life challenges I have faced, after going to Suited to Success, the feeling of being supported and dressed by the staff and volunteers at STS, was very heart-warming for me.


I now feel more confident, complete, and comfortable in the stylish clothes and wardrobe that I have to wear. Thanks to the positive and generous appointments I’ve had with STS, I’m now pleasantly in awe, every time I open my wardrobe! I see the beautiful range of professional clothes, bags, jewellery, make up, and shoes for me to wear. Seeing this sight before me, gives me hope in the world. It also helps me feel faith in myself, and in others again. It is actually pretty wonderful and quite amazing, to know that there really are people out there, who do care about your personal progress and professional success.


Thanks to STS, they’ve made me feel like a woman who is both personally and professionally, of value again. And now that I’m dressed for success, I feel like I really am, on my way again.


Thank you to the team of lovely staff and kind volunteers at Suited to Success.”

Tamara Smith