Accessing Our Services
Suited to Success offers a range of programs to help people overcome barriers to employment, and support career and personal development.
Our services are provided at no cost* to the people who need them. We accept referrals and self-referrals (from individuals who would like to book directly with us and do not have a referral). We provide:
Services are available both face-to-face (at our Brisbane premises) and remotely / virtually.
Suited to Success encourages referrals from a wide range of organisations including: employment service agencies, personal support services, rehabilitation services, disability employment service providers, and non-profit organisations.
We also work closely with other charities and community groups that specialise in assisting vulnerable members of our community including:
People who have experienced domestic violence
People at risk of poverty
People exiting correctional facilities
People living with a disability
People living with mental health conditions
Newly arrived migrants and refugees
People with housing issues
We are here to help. For more information or to book an appointment for yourself or your clients, please call (07) 3216 1969 or email
*For some organisations, our services are provided on a fee-for-service basis. For further details please contact us.
"I'm so grateful for my experience with Suited to Success. Emma was really friendly and kind, and my session with her was so fun. She made me feel comfortable and picked out clothing that not only looked good, but also felt like 'me' and suited my personal style. I felt like a business-appropriate Cinderella. Thank you so much!"
– Penny –
COVID-19 Safety
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the following processes and procedures have been implemented to address the health and safety of clients and team members at Suited to Success:
Facilitating social distancing throughout Suited to Success
Encouraging hand hygiene by providing sanitising stations, and respiratory hygiene - which includes mask wearing when unable to keep 1.5 metres away from other people or whenever mandatory face masks are required
Requiring visitors with COVID-19 and/or symptoms of cold, flu or respiratory illness to reschedule their appointment / visit
Undertaking increased cleaning and disinfecting of regularly used objects and hard surfaces.